Teacher Scholarship Fund for a year $50

Teacher Scholarship Fund for a year $50

Energy Efficient Stove $110

Energy Efficient Stove $193

School meals for one child for one year $40

School meals for one child for one year $50

Water Filter for a Family $50

Water Filter for a Family $50


Sponsor The Teachers

We usually focus on the children when speaking about sponsorship. Clearly they are the ones we most want to help. The school exists so that the community’s poorest children can break out of the vicious cycle of poverty. But as one of our Board members said, “Without the teachers, we’re TOAST!” So this plea is for the teachers, the backbone of the school who make everything possible. Those of you who are teachers will understand implicitly.

The teachers already deserve more

The teachers are motivated by their attachment to Julio, the children and the school, but they deserve more. Their current salary is about $400 per month without any benefits or pension. By comparison, a public school teacher makes $667 per month with a pension. We are asking for donations to cover the cost of providing a $62 bonus per month per teacher for ten months. To help support our teachers, donate below.



It is through the generosity of folks like yourself that the children of Alotenango get to enjoy the benefits of getting an education and more.